Brittany is the Head of Engineering specializing in accessibility, scalability, and front-end development at large. She came to Nearform in early 2019 as a software engineer with a background in high-paced eCommerce companies ranging from dev teams of 4 to 200. Throughout her time at Nearform she’s led teams of varying sizes across many timezones, always integrating with client teams at large and collaborating to achieve their needs. She’s spoken at React Conf on accessibility and publishes blogs about front-end best practices. While accessibility is close to heart for her, Brittany spends most of her time building out interfaces and translating designs into responsive websites with solid, scalable structures as well as exploring animations and performance. Brittany has a B.A. in sociology and some past lives in accounting, retail, and coaching; her varied background often allows her to approach engineering with a holistic focus and broad ability to communicate to make things better for all stakeholders. Outside of work, you’ll find Brittany at the movies or enjoying the Arizona sunshine with her husband and pup.

The Many Benefits of Good Pull Request Descriptions (+ How to Write One)

April 20, 2020
Submitting pull requests (PR) is a key part of our jobs as software engineers. When we take time to write a good PR description we're improving our code, our teams, and our understanding. Let's walk through some of the benefits we've noticed and then talk about how to write A+ descriptions on your own.

Building a more accessible web with semantic HTML

October 2, 2019
I want to make a case for semantic HTML as a way to unlock the door to building accessible apps from the ground up. Accessibility is something that we must get better at slowly, not overnight, and if we do, we will end up saving time and become stronger developers.