Max Yinger

Max Yinger

Software Engineer

Max Yinger joined the Nearform Denver team in early 2019 as a front-end engineer with an emphasis on DOM performance and interactivity. Prior to becoming a full-time Nearform, Max worked for Cognak and Facta Studio for just over three years. He holds a degree in Computer Science Engineering and has both a background in design, motion, and UX as well as a deep interest in micro-interactions and innovative user experiences. He recently started contributing to OSS projects and looks forward to making a sizable impact in that community moving forward.

Seamless Scaling: Making the Move from GraphQL to GROQD

July 28, 2023
Not only does it scale… but it scales well.

Scaling with Confidence: Next Generation Query Building with GROQD and Sanity

July 14, 2023
Introducing GROQD: zero build step query composition, runtime validation & type-safety all declared in one place.

Stores: Making State Global Without React's Context API

February 23, 2021
In this article we're going to explore some drawbacks of context-based state in typical application architecture, then explore an alternative construct, Stores, which should ultimately help us write cleaner code and increase our in-app performance.

Input Smoothing: An Intro To Reactive Animations

August 16, 2019
A tutorial on how to make an input smoothing object from scratch and leverage it in a React component to smoothly animate a cursor.