Scott Rippey

Scott Rippey

Principal Engineer

Scott Rippey is our first Nearform based in Idaho. He delights in all things UI and is a front-end engineer specializing in React. He loves UX design, animation, clean code, and automated testing. Prior to joining us Scott held roles with InVision Studio and AT&T Uverse. He's dabbled in open source, and counts teaching and mentoring among his keen interests. Among his many career accomplishments, developing the AT&T Uverse Xbox One app and passing certification on the first attempt, stands out as most memorable. Scott's also a proud husband and father to five incredible kids.

Unlocking the Power of Storybook

October 13, 2023
Going beyond the Design System: how to use Storybook to develop, test, and validate all parts of a frontend application.

Mock factories make better tests

February 20, 2023
Developers need a good way to produce mock data. Here’s how we implemented a mock factory for an e-commerce site that’s simple, flexible, and fun.

Build, Migrate, Improve: A Three-Phase Approach to Adopting TypeScript

May 23, 2022
Converting a project to TypeScript is an investment worth making. Here’s what you need to know to make the process go smoothly and quickly.