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Config File

The config file - which unless specified in the cli should live in ./owl.config.json - is used to describe how Owl should run your app and your tests. Below you can find all the options that can be specified.


debugfalsefalsePrevents the CLI/library from printing any logs/output.
reportfalsetrueGenerate an HTML report, displaying the baseline, latest & diff images.
ios config
ios.workspacetruePath to the .xcworkspace file of your react-native project
ios.schemetrueThe name of the scheme you would like to use for building the app
ios.configurationtrueDebugThe build configuration that should be used.
ios.buildCommandfalseOverrides the xcodebuild command making the above options obselete
ios.binaryPathfalseThe path to the binary, if you are using a custom build command
ios.quietfalsePasses the quiet flag to xcode builds
android config
android.buildCommandfalseOverrides the assembleDebug gradle command. Should build the apk
android.buildTypefalseReleaseCan be one of debug or release. Used to call either assembleDebug or assembleRelease
android.binaryPathfalseThe path to the binary, if you are using a custom build command
android.packageNametrueThe package name/unique identifier of the app
android.quietfalsePasses the quiet flag to gradlew


"ios": {
"workspace": "ios/OwlDemoApp.xcworkspace",
"scheme": "OwlDemoApp",
"device": "iPhone 13 Pro"
"android": {
"packageName": "com.owldemoapp"