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Inherited Props


type: ReactElement

The backgroundComponent prop takes a component instance which will be responsible for rendering a background if the VictoryChart's style component includes background styles. The new element created from the passed backgroundComponent will be provided with the following properties calculated by VictoryChart: height, polar, scale, style, x, y, width. All of these props on Background should take precedence over what VictoryChart is trying to set.

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type: ReactElement | ReactElement[]

VictoryChart works with any combination of the following children: [VictoryArea][], [VictoryAxis][] / [VictoryPolarAxis][], [VictoryBar][], [VictoryCandlestick][], [VictoryErrorBar][], [VictoryGroup][], [VictoryLine][], [VictoryScatter][], [VictoryHistogram][], [VictoryStack][], and [VictoryVoronoi][]. Children supplied to VictoryChart will be cloned and rendered with new props so that all children share common props such as domain and scale.


polar charts must use VictoryPolarAxis rather than VictoryAxis


type: ReactElement

VictoryChart uses the standard containerComponent prop. Read about it in detail here



type: string

The desc prop specifies the description of the chart/SVG to assist with accessibility for screen readers. The more descriptive this title is, the more useful it will be for people using screen readers.


type: { independent: ReactElement; dependent: ReactElement }

Set the default axis for this chart when no axis is provided. Allows you to customize the axis component for the chart.


This property is not typically used

// default
defaultAxes = {
independent: <VictoryAxis />,
dependent: <VictoryAxis dependentAxis />


type: { independent: ReactElement; dependent: ReactElement }

Set the default axis for this chart when no axis is provided. Allows you to customize the axis component for the chart.


This property is not typically used

// default
defaultPolarAxes ={
independent: <VictoryPolarAxis />,
dependent: <VictoryPolarAxis dependentAxis />


type: array[low, high] || { x: [low, high], y: [low, high] }default: calculated from data

The domain prop describes the range of data the component will include. This prop can be given as an array of the minimum and maximum expected values of the data or as an object that specifies separate arrays for x and y. If this prop is not provided, a domain will be calculated from data, or other available information.


VictoryChart controls the domain prop of its children.


type: numberdefault: 360

The endAngle props defines the overall end angle of a polar chart in degrees. This prop is used in conjunction with startAngle to create polar chart that spans only a segment of a circle, or to change overall rotation of the chart. This prop should be given as a number of degrees. Degrees are defined as starting at the 3 o'clock position, and proceeding counterclockwise.

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type: any[]

VictoryChart uses the standard events prop. Read about it in more detail here

See the [Events Guide][] for more information on defining events.


VictoryChart coordinates events between children using the VictorySharedEvents and the sharedEvents prop

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type: number

When the innerRadius prop is set, polar charts will be hollow rather than circular.

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type: numberdefault: true

By default, VictoryChart will prepend default axes to the beginning of the children array. This behavior can be disabled by setting prependDefaultAxes to false.


type: numberdefault: 0

The startAngle props defines the overall start angle of a polar chart in degrees. This prop is used in conjunction with endAngle to create polar chart that spans only a segment of a circle, or to change overall rotation of the chart. This prop should be given as a number of degrees. Degrees are defined as starting at the 3 o'clock position, and proceeding counterclockwise.

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type: VictoryStyleInterfacedefault: (provided by theme)

Defines the style of the component using VictoryStyleInterface.

note: custom valid svg style properties that are supported may be included in background styles.

default (provided by default theme): See [grayscale theme][] for more detail

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type: string

The title prop specifies the title to be applied to the SVG to assist with accessibility for screen readers. The more descriptive this title is, the more useful it will be for people using screen readers

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